Katie’s Field Blog – coming back home

The team finish up the last camera installations and truck on home … Friday 9 May: “Early to bed, early to rise.”  I do not follow this philosophy, as I was the first to bed and the last to rise this morning.  While the guys enjoyed coffee and fried breakfast, I was informed by Martin T at 9 am that it was […]

Katie’s Field Blog – Days 4 – 7

The story continues as the team install more cameras and run into some bad weather … Monday 5 May: Our day started out well, albeit with a few hiccups.  Getting the camera to connect to Telstra took some effort, but that was solved fairly quickly; now we can talk to it and download pictures directly from our offices at Curtin University.   The […]

Katie’s Field Blog – Days 1, 2, 3

Thanks to Katie Dyl for keeping a blog on the latest DFN trip – read on find out what it’s like to venture into the outback to install the cameras. This blog will come in three installments – keep an eye on the twitter feed or facebook to know when then next is up. On this trip were: Martin Towner (Project Manager), […]