Has this solar panel been hit by a meteorite?

We got asked on twitter this morning whether this solar panel had indeed been hit and shattered by a meteorite. It looks like a pretty heavy impact and would be really cool if it’s true … But unfortunately, it’s probably not. 🙁 Gretchen is a meteorite expert and she says “I would say not – because micrometeorites are really, really micro – which means […]

A new meteorite I bring unto you!

The Gospel according to Luke: A new meteorite I bring unto you!   This is a story 4.5 Billion years in the making, it is a story about perseverance in the face of adversity, and how hard work and a bit of serendipity can produce the most miraculous stories. It begins 4.5 Ga in the fiery cauldron of our solar systems birth! Out […]

Digging up the DFN’s first meteorite

Digging up our first meteorite (yet to be officially named*) was a massive team effort and a huge relief. It’s also been a news sensation and you can read about it on WA Today, SBS News, The Washington Post, Time Magazine and most everywhere you look on the internet today**. The search story is breathtaking, and the awesome teamwork and science that has led […]