Teacher Resources – Activities and Experiments
This page provides experiments and activity ideas to supplement classroom science and maths teaching around the theme of ‘Fireballs in the Sky’. Experiments can be used individually or as the whole unit to engage students in science and maths.

Students will enjoy learning about the people behind the project on the website and can follow their field trips and achievements through the online blog. You can sign up for the e-newsletter and social media updates too.
Resources such as recipes and worksheets are available to photocopy alongside each activity. You’ll also find the FAQs in the about section on this site very useful.
The Australian Curriculum emphasises the use of the scientific method and understanding the endeavour of scientists themselves. Each topic in this book is set in Bybee’s 5Es model of science learning and comes with a hands-on element.This will allow you to engage, explore, explain, elaborate and evaluate the topic with your students. Space Rocks targets students ages four to seven. The activities in this unit may be scaled up or used as a warm up for the Origins unit lessons, designed for ages eight to twelve.
Fireballs Teacher Resource Book (88 pages, 12 MB)
Alternatively, each link below will open the pdf document of the lesson or associated materials in your browser, which you can then download.
General Resources
Resource Book Introduction and Unit plan/contents page (7 pages, 605 KB)
Space Rocks Australian curriculum links matrix (F – Yr 2) (1 page, 50 KB)
Origins Australian curriculum links matrix (Yr 3 – 6) (3 pages, 50 KB)
Fireballs in the Sky Fact sheets (links to fact sheet menu on our website)
Fireballs in the Sky Glossary (2 pages, 41 KB)
Fireballs in the sky types of meteorite charts (3 pages, 241 KB)
Space Rocks
ENGAGE: What is a rock and what is not? (3 pages, 159 KB)
What is a rock and what is not? worksheets (3 pages, 38 KB)
EXPLORE: How do we know there are rocks in space? (2 pages, 71 KB)
Shooting star stories worksheets (1 page, 30 KB)
EXPLAIN: Are all space rocks the same? (2 pages, 107 KB)
Space rocks game worksheet (1 page, 28 KB)
ELABORATE: What made that crater? (2 pages, 108 KB)
What made that crater? worksheets (3 pages, 58 KB)
EVALUATE: What’s inside space rocks? (3 pages, 155 KB)
What’s inside space rocks? edible recipes (1 page, 33 KB)
What’s inside space rocks? worksheet and playdough recipe (1 page, 33 KB)
ENGAGE: Where do space rocks come from? (5 pages, 220 KB)
ENGAGE: What are meteorites made from? (3 pages, 127 KB)
Where do meteorites come from worksheets (2 pages, 41 KB)
EXPLORE: How do we know about space rocks? (2 pages, 80 KB)
Sky observing frame and worksheet (2 pages, 39 KB)
EXPLORE: Where do meteorites come from (6 pages, 184 KB)
Solar Systems worksheet (1 page, 34 KB)
EXPLAIN: How can we measure things in space? (3 page, 210 KB)
Inclinometer template (1 page, 175 KB)
Intangible heights worksheet (1 page, 29 KB)
ELABORATE: What made that? – making craters (3 pages, 200 KB)
What made that – making craters worksheet (1 page, 32 KB)
ELABORATE: How can we make that? – trajectories (2 pages, 98 KB)
Trajectories predictions worksheet (1 page, 30 KB)
EVALUATE: Crater investigation (2 pages, 94 KB)
Trebuchet investigation worksheet (1 page, 32 KB)